Thursday, June 26, 2008

Everything Beautyway on hold.

Besides peeling poles if I can get to that before the week's over, it's all fooling around with the play and the boat. Check out Marco's blog if you are interested in all that. Demonstration coming up of skidding at the Logging Days and Driving deal at the hockey rink, Friday the 4th. I'd better get the horses skidding Thursday before. Horse flies are here. Horses are on grass. That always makes me feel good.

Blogging instead of Logging

So, yeah, lets see, a lot of non-Beautyway stuff going on now that summer is here. The pageant was as great as ever. "What's Up With the Deer" was as sweet and funny as the puppet show has ever been. I was especially amazed with the music. Pink Floyd's?? "Money" was just a riot with the seven-count rotation of noisemakers. Kay Grindland, Charlie the North House intern, , and Betsy, with another gal (I didn't know I'm ashamed to say) Cowbells, a bad cymbal, three bad rubber ball horns, and a ball-bearing wheel sandpaper-noise maker. That was my best. I got to sing Lumberjack ABCs, and whistle Nicolina, as well as the memorable Pika Sika Pika Sika Por-gim-bine with Davey on his bass. And the deer dance. Those stupid deer!

I bought a boat before the show-16 foot Mirrocraft with a 20 HP Merc. Marce and I went out for a ride and the motor died. I'm lookin' for oars. Not getting anything done besides the Musical "How to Talk Minnesotan" now. I'm re-typing the songs so we can have them with chords on all the songs, plus rehearsal 5 nights per week. Plenty of rain, horses on grass, lots to do.